Emotional support meetings provide individuals required to register, their family members, and their friends, an opportunity to discuss personal challenges and share their experiences, strengths and hopes.
They are not the same as monthly ACSOL phone conference meetings. The support meetings do not discuss legal issues, bills, and laws.
They are based upon the format of 12 Step meetings. Media, law enforcement, parole, etc. are not allowed to attend meetings. There is no cost to attend.
The meetings are currently online using Zoom or phone. This may change over time depending on the course of the pandemic.
There are Emotional Support Group meetings on Thursdays and two Saturdays per month.
If you want to attend the meetings, you must first talk with the leaders of the meetings to ensure we don’t get inappropriate callers, and to protect the group’s confidentiality. To talk with the leaders, please email your name, phone, and the best times to call you to one or both of the following emails:
For the Saturday meetings, email emotionalsupportgroup@all4consolaws.org
For the Thursday meetings, email SOSgroup4u@all4consolaws.org
After the leader talks to you and approves you, you will be informed of the schedule and how to connect.
I need help fighting a crime I did not do. I am appealing my case. I need an attorney who will represent me.
My son is being wrongfully accused of rape. I could use any support possible. We are scared.
Are there any such support groups in NY
Thank You
I was on the February 20th telephone meeting and heard and tried to write down an email to contact to get access to a support group. It was something like: emotionalsupport@allfor???? I would benefit from this group I am sure. Thanks
Convicted in 2006. Paroled in 2018. Still on parole. Lifelong registry. Really struggling to not be buried by depression and setbacks. Getting and keeping jobs is nigh impossible. Perseverance “in spite of” is losing steam.
Does anyone know where the conference will be held? Thank you.
Good Morning,
My husband was arrested for online solicitation of a minor back in 2015 in Harris County Texas – we have since been going to marriage therapy and we have overcome a lot of obstacles – he had no idea that the person was a child since the online website stated that you needed to be over 18 to join in anyways- his intentions was never to be with a child and he has since passed two polygraphs – he was recently kicked out of the treatment sex group because the therapist said he was toxic since he will not admit to having interest in children … he now has individual sessions – he has completed 2.5 years of probation and is registered – can we do anything to get off probation or the registry ?
I am a recent parolee who has fulfilled his legal obligations as a sex offender Texas Board of pardons and parol after 10 years of not being in sex offenders data bases and no new sex charge I am back on sex offender case load with living restrictions is this legal?
My son has been caught in a sting operation for import tuning and decimantation. We could really use support. He hasn’t been charged yet but it is coming. He has lost his job looking at having to registering as a sex offender and other stuff. This is his first time on conviction on this he has previous ovi and DUI I feel that this conviction is way out of hand. Not all that do this have or have the will to do it again. I understand it is a crime but to lose all he has for something that was not a actual person. I feel if they get caught the should have to get help and get evaluated to find out if they would do it again. Maybe they are lost lonely emotional scared so on so forth. Not everyone is a criminal that is what life is about, lessons and learning not convicting and making people all bad. There are real criminals out there that have not been caught because of the fact for instance the put my son and others all over the news and social media for a bust. How is that going to help real victims and criminalize the real criminals all that is, is a warning to the real criminals and give them heads up on how they are catching people who otherwise would not break the law if they new more about it. Curiosity killed the cat, but now like where I live the people are making threats for something he didn’t actually have a victim in but they are thinking he did.
Is the a arsol for ohio sex offender laws? We could really use one. The laws for sex offenders here are harsh. I get it some are bad people and some are not. But these laws are horrific here. Some reoccur and some don’t so why are the punishment so harsh?
My son 10 year prison sentence has left him emotionally scarred for life months on end in solitary he has life long registrations and has a hard time keeping a job from him being verbally violent don’t quite know what to do with him he needs help not sure where to go
I live in Wisconsin, am a Mother of a man unjustly convicted, and am glad to see that you are helping people with so many of their issues. Sadly, without $$ to fight, it feels ( at least on my end ) like an endless, heartbreaking, journey ! Thanks for your great work and dedication…you’ll NEVER KNOW how important your efforts are !
i was jus removed from registry in jan2023 thanx to janice after registering 28 years. , first travel outside US. no issues in
jamaica or customs us. , got my passport in sept. 23. had no issues leaving are comming back.
I live in Hawaii. My son will be on a three year parole. Assuming he accomplishes the parole will he be able to get a Real ID and come out to Hawaii where I am?